The best type of pistachio grows in Sirjan city of Kerman province. Due to the fertility of the soil in this region and the suitable climate for pistachio growth, it is of high quality and the world markets welcome this type of pistachio.

According to the analyzes and studies that have been done on this type of pistachio, this type of pistachio has a high percentage of natural fat and has many properties for human health and longevity. Also, many pistachio growers and gardeners in different countries, including California, have confirmed the superior quality of this type of pistachio and have shown their desire to send this type of stack to world markets.

Sirjan has a variety of pistachios, and due to the climate of this region, pistachios can be harvested after four years after planting pistachio seedlings. The higher the growth of pistachio trees, the higher the quality of pistachios obtained from these orchards.

Consumers of this type of Iranian pistachio are very welcome with the roasted and salty type of this type of pistachio.

The high temperature of 35 degrees in this region causes the loss of pistachio crop and microbes. And this heat eliminates the need to use chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides to prevent germs and germs from being produced organically.

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